Michael Chan Henn Loong (0363611) (Final Compilation)

22.02.2024 - 21.03.2024 / Week 1 - Week 7
Michael Chan Henn Loong / 0363611
Design Principles / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media / Taylor's University
Final Compilation


Task 1: Exploration

Task 2: Visual Analysis

Task 3: Design


Task 3/Design

07.03.2024 - 21.03.2024 / Week 5 - Week 7

(Michael Chan Henn Loong_Stellar Savanna_Task 3)(Video)

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GDfheGq7B78_ASOmcPt17odRv552x7OB/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GDfheGq7B78_ASOmcPt17odRv552x7OB/view


What have I learnt in this module ?

In this module I've learnt on how to dissect and analyze an artwork, and also learned on how to use different elements with different perspective creatively. 

What did I enjoy the most ?

I enjoy Task 3 the most as I get to do what I wanted to I'm not restricted to only drawings, paintings and etc. So I get to explore something else something more fun and exploring.

What did I not enjoy the most ?

Probably Project 1 as it's my first time really diving into thinking what elements what skill what principles are used in it, so it felt weird at first as I really didn't know what to say about it, but it gets better after some time.

What have I learnt about myself through this module ?

Through this module I've learned that I'm probably a more outgoing person ? Rather than just staying in to draw something I'd like to go out and see the beauty of the world and I'd like to capture some specific moments to keep them as my memories, I'd like to explore to learn and try something new if i have the chance.

What has changed and what has not in my learning journey ?

I think probably the way I think. After having this module I learned that art doesn't need to be just drawings or paintings it can be photography or maybe even websites a properly designed website with a proper and beautiful meaning to it can be an artwork too. I think artwork is a very vague word it can be anything.

What could be improved in this module ?

I think in the future I'll really need to think properly on my decisions cause throughout the module I've felt like doing something else than the ones that I propose and also probably try to do more research on the new sections that I wanna work in.


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