Michael Chan Henn Loong (0363611) Task 3 (Design)

07.03.2024 - 21.03.2024 / Week 5 - Week 7
Michael Chan Henn Loong / 0363611
Design Principles / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media / Taylor's University
Task 3 / Design


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h3Xcxt8czzs2ii5dEThzihvAUo_pJXR8/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


After analyzing the design of our choice, we will now create a artwork / design of our own, inspired / influenced by the artwork we chose. We may also include and apply our own knowledge of the design principles that we've learned in Task 1 into this task. Any medium or material can be used in this task as long as it conveys the visual message.


( Fig 1.0, Nature's Magical Moment, Julian Rad, 2015, Photograph,  https://www.boredpanda.com/photography-austrian-wildlife-animals-julian-rad-part-2/?media_id=2774036&utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic )

(Fig 2.0, https://webneel.com/30-incredible-and-award-winning-national-geography-animal-photography-examples)

(Fig 3.0, https://www.boredpanda.com/photography-animals-steve-mccurry/)

(Fig 4.0, https://www.boredpanda.com/photography-animals-steve-mccurry/)

(Fig 5.0, https://india.mongabay.com/2022/09/interview-a-photographer-on-his-long-term-effort-to-document-human-wildlife-interactions/)

(Fig 6.0, https://www.picturecorrect.com/star-trail-photography-in-time-lapse-form-using-stacked-exposures/)


For task 3, will be doing photography and star trail photography time lapse.

After discussing with Dr. Charles in Week 5, I've gotten a new idea on how to express my feelings and messages, which is using the cruelty that the animals are facing or experiencing to visualize the sadness and troubles that they've been encountering after being chased out from their habitats.

(Fig 7.1 Sketches 1)

Top Left: For this sketch I thought of capturing pictures of birds in cages trying to fly out, expressing that the bird itself craves for freedom and nature.

Top Right: As for this one I actually thought of taking a closed up shot of a dog and the background would be a busy city view which kind of makes the dog stand out in the picture as if it doesn't belong there at all.

Bottom Left: In this sketch I planned to take a shot of a human hand giving something to a monkey outside the cage, I actually thought of instead of just giving anything why not try to give the monkey a small plant so it's ironically "sharp" as the monkey will be receiving the plant from inside of the cage.

Bottom Right: This one would be a closed up shot of an elephant crying and the background will probably be some cut down trees or maybe the elephant surrounded by cages or stuff to make it stand out more.

(Fig 7.2 Sketches 2)

Left: Planned to take a picture of a giraffe lowering it's head to eat. Trying to bring out the fact that normally in the wilds they eat the leaves on the tree rather then lowering their heads to eat.

Right: As for this one it is a star rail time lapse with a tree, this is personally my favorite trying to show the beauty of nature.

So after showing Dr. Charles my sketches, we.ve discussed on what I should do for my Task 3, and there will be 2 choices for me one is to take pictures of animals and manipulate them and make different outcomes with it as direct photography are not allowed, the other one would be the Star rail night photography that would be nice for task 3 as well as it consist of editing and photoshop to achieve the final outcome so it wouldn't be a problem for the direct photography prohibition. 


Camera Specs-
Sony ILCE-6400/Alpha 6400
ISO 1000
Fig 8.0 Photoshoot 1

Camera Specs-
Sony ILCE-6400/Alpha 6400
ISO 2500
Fig 8.1 Photoshoot 2

Camera Specs-
Sony ILCE-6400/Alpha 6400
ISO 800
Fig 8.3 Photoshoot 3

Camera Specs-
Sony ILCE-6400/Alpha 6400
99 mm 
ISO 1600
Fig 8.4 Photoshoot 4

Camera Specs-
Sony ILCE-6400/Alpha 6400
210 mm 
ISO 800
Fig 8.5 Photoshoot 5

So after the discussion with Dr. Charles I decided to take a few pictures of animals before starting my star rail night photography as that is my first try on taking star rail photography I afraid that I would fail so I took these pictures as my plan B in case I failed my star rail photography and doesn't have time to take another attempt. These are pictures taken at Batu Cave.

Star Rail first attempt-

So for the first attempt on the star rail I chose to go Pantai Cahaya in Port Dickson and I took a 3 hour session over there and got 300+ pictures in 3 hours. But the result is pretty bad as I used the wrong settings for the session, the ISO is too high should set it around 100-500 and drop the shutter speed more. The settings I used is shutter speed 1/50, ISO 4000 which resulted the photo to be purple and grainy as shown below.

Fig 8.6 Star Rail 1

Fig 8.7 Star Rail 2 (Video)

This is the final result for the first attempt, it is very bad, purple and noisy so I decided to take another attempt on it.

Camera Specs-
Fujifilm X-S10
ISO 4000

Second Attempt (Stellar Savanna)-

So for the second attempt I changed the equipment and also spots for the photography I went to Semenyih Broga Hill but as it is night time so I didn't climb up the mountain rather then climbing up I found a spot at the road side with no lamppost so that there is minimum light pollution. But the only cons for that spot is that there are cars driving by time by time.

So I decided to name my artwork Stellar Savanna. Stellar means stars, celestial bodies and also the vastness of spaces so I think thought of using this word and as for Savanna its kind of like a vast or wide open space, natural landscapes or maybe even ecosystem, particularly those on land so it kinds of relate to the UNSDG that I chose "Life On Land"

Fig 9.0 Lightroom Classic editing

After the photoshoot session I inserted all of my pictures into lightroom and made some changes with the colors and brightness.

Fig 9.1 Star Stax (Before)

Fig 9.2 Star Stax (After)

So after all the editing I inserted the whole series into Star stax to create the star rail effect.

Fig 9.3 Photoshop Editing

After getting the star rail effects I moved everything into PS, and inserted them into the timeline to create a short video, after checking the videos for the smoothness and brightness for a few times I thought of adding some music would be better so I added in a chill music into the timeline and exported it so that I can work further on the video in Pr.

Fig 9.4 Premiere Pro Editing

In Pr I cut the video into half and used the effect cross dissolve on the video so that I can loop and make the video longer as originally the video is only 8 seconds and I felt like it's too short so I extended it to 24 seconds. 

Fig 9.5 Compressor

After touching up everything I wanted to upload the video into this blog but it says the MP4 file exceeded the limit so I needed to compress the file in order to upload the video.

Final Result:

(Michael Chan Henn Loong_Stellar Savanna_Task 3)(Video)

So Stellar Savanna is an Idea of mine with combining nature, human elements and stars. So in the timelapse of stars this project underscores the the global imperative of land conservation. Through the juxtaposition of these elements I used in the video I'm trying to show that how beautiful and magnificent the nature itself is and also how the wire feels extra and spoiled the view, even the red lines in the videos, those lines are actually planes that got captured in frame during the session, I purposely left it in to show the same meaning as the wire in the video. So I think "Stellar Savanna" serves not only as a project or an expression it also serves as a visual testament for the importance of preserving and protecting terrestrials habitats, urging viewers to prioritize the protection of our planet too.

Camera Specs-
SONY ILCE-6400/Alpha-6400
ISO 100


Week 5: Idea is good and the star rail idea is nice for the task too.

Week 6: Direct photoshoot are not allowed if wanna use the monkeys picture will need to print it out and apply something to it.

Week 7: Absent


  1. Very good development! You ideas are very good! You can use the camera as an active compositional tool! But you will need to use the final version as a finished work for submission. perhaps loop the video and add text. But overall, keep up the good work!


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