Design Research Dissertation Compilation

26.04.2024 - 26.07.2024 / Week 01 - Week 14

Michael Chan Henn Loong / 0363611

Design Research Dissertation / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media / Taylor's University

Final Compilation


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TASK 1 (Dissertation draft)

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Week 1: -Prepare to show progress in week 2

Week 2: -Put in RQ’s, RO.
-Footer should be removed
-Partial of matrix can be saved and use in appendices=
-Agreements of participant showcasing should be inserted into appendices.
-Not all lines need to be inserted into the matrix, use only the key words or lines.
-Ground discussion by looking into literatures (look into secondary data)
-Start with section 5.0 discussions and 5.1 etc…
-Prepare literature review for next week as well 

Week 3: -Change how the literature review is written, change it to a comparing way rather then reviewing one by one.
-For 5.2 use only 2 or one games that are mostly mentioned in the focus group session rather then using all 4 it’s too long.
-Cite all the knowledge that are gotten from websites and articles, anything other then journal or articles needs to be cited too.

Week 4: -Absent

Week 5: - Create Jumplink 
- Have 2 topics for literature reviews that 3 paper share

Week 6: - Create Jumplink
- Have 2 topics for literature reviews that 3 paper share
- Check article to group them
- Review data again
- Participants response doesn’t need to be palced in the middle of the page 
- Focus more on valorant
- Move diegetic, non-diegetic back to their own sections rather then leaving it at the HUD section show the examples at their own sections

Week 7: - Absent

Week 8: - Individual learning week

Week 9: - View back morning video
- Check formatting 
- Check capital, grammar , etc..
- Include how many participant
- The arrangement of abstract doesn't flow nicely
- Table of contents number doesn’t need to repeat
- RO’s and RQ’s are individual item
- Change RQ’s into 2 questions rather then having one para
- Justification for selected games
- Organize appendices

Week 10: - Both layout ideas look similar
- Color for layout cant bring out the idea for the cover
- Insert subtitle in first cover
- First concept cover doesn't really align with overall topic
- Color wise matches concept of game
- Second cover is a better layout
- Rethink about the cover background image
- Leading and size of the author name is fighting with the subtitle on top
- Experiment whether lime green is going to fit
- Second idea is more suitable

Week 11: - Absent

Week 12: - Add in short introduction at the beginning of abstract
- Add in keywords under abstract
- Change Introduction too much repeating

Week 13: - Title is research question change to another title
- Include what is the optimum group size
- Include questionnaire and consent and other images in appendices
- Support the sentences insert citations
- Insert all games in conclusion
- Add in Picture reference

Week 14: - Citation for methodology 
- Add in quotes from participants for the conclusion
- Make sure figure resolution is 150 dpi
- Insert Key words under the abstract


Looking back at my progress that I've gone through in this dissertation, I have been given a chance on understanding how and what UI design and player experience is in PC games. The evaluation of how different forms of UI components like the HUDs, menus, and controls influence the level of immersion and engagement among the players has been a fun and informative endeavor.

The first problem I encountered was the ability to narrowly describe the affect on immersion and engagement in terms that are measurable. These are highly personal feelings and may differ from one player to another. To counter this, the current study included a few literature reviews and utilized frameworks and theories identified in game studies and psychology.  The data collection phase was conducted through focus group sessions, and these findings show that there are various interpretations of an immersive UI. While some players may want functional interfaces that are not imposing, other players may like propped up interfaces to enhance the experience of the game. This underlined the notion of context specificity in UI design; what may be fitting for one game genre, is not fitting for another.

This dissertation has done a lot in improving my research abilities especially in the areas of qualitative research and user research. Using primary sources and performing researches has greatly educated me with experience proving the theoretical concepts. Furthermore, the project has enhanced my skills in evaluating design decisions and their effectiveness on users.

But I still do suffer in interpreting my thoughts and uses the help of Ai in order to get smooth sentences and mature writing styles. It took me some time to get use to the assignment as we normally work on design stuff rather then researching and articles.

Overall, this module has been an invaluable learning process and has provided me with a clear understanding of how UI design intersects with the player experience on a crucial level. It has also placed me in good stead for further work within the field of game design as I personally aimed to work in that field, as the lessons have ensured I am capable of reviewing and enhancing user interfaces in different settings.


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