Application Design - Topic 1

22.04.2024 - 19.05.2024 / Week 01 - Week 04
Michael Chan Henn Loong / 0363611
Application Design / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media / Taylor's University
Topic 1


Fig 1.0, Week 1 Lecture Slides, (16.5.2024)

Fig 1.1, Week 2 Lecture Slides, (16.5.2024)

Fig 1.2, Week 3 Lecture Slides, (16.5.2024)


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Task 1 Mobile Application Proposal

Students are required to create a proposal documentation for their mobile application project. You are required to redesign an existing app that you find unsatisfactory in terms of the user experience or interface design and its subject to preliminary approval by the module coordinator. Students need to do surveys, interviews, market studies and research on the selected topic. The document should also include key features of their mobile application and provide clear flowchart of the app. The document will determine whether the mobile application idea is good to continue to the next development phase. This task is an iterative process whereby during the assignment period, students are free to get feedback from their peers and module coordinator to further refine their idea.

There are 3 apps that I find unsatisfied in terms of the user experience and also the interface design.

Fig 2.0, Chosen application, (16.05.2024)

So I've chosen Pinterest, Steam Mobile and Snapchat as the 3 existing application that I personally am unsatisfied with. So the reason why I chose Pinterest is due to it's limited content or maybe vastness of it's content, I know it sounds funny when I put limited and vast together, but hear me out. I'd say it's limited because when the algorithm catches up the post and stuff that users see will be the same unless they set a new algorithm as for vastness it occurs before the algorithm comes in, so before the algorithm users will be shown or exposed to all kinds and all sorts of content which makes users lost or experience boringness.

As for steam mobile, it's literally a very bad designed app that is only used due to the importance of the steam guard function it provides, no users uses it for the navigating part or even the purchase part. One of the most knows problem it has is the vertical and horizontal view when the devices and apps are turned into other views the app gets cut into half providing no use to users and greatly diminish the experiences of the steam mobile users.

Last for snapchat, I haven't really used it for like years but when I thought back I still remember how messy the interfaces are and also how boring the feeds it provides or maybe people calls it shorts now. All the shorts provided in the app is boring and repetitive so there's no use of having it there, I even let my parents try out the navigation part and they don't even know where should they go and what's the function of numerous buttons.

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So above is the first version of  the proposal I did for choosing out which app I would like to work with I showed the slides to Mr. Zeon during the consultation and decided to go with Steam Mobile, Mr. Zeon gave me some advices on where to improve for the slides too.

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So here's the second edition of the slides, I added in some screenshots of the apps and also changed some parts here and there to make the slide better and easier to understand.

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After deciding on which application I'm working on I started with my proposal presentation slides for Week 4. Above is the first version of the slide without any adjustments before the presentation.

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This slide is the final version of my presentation slides, I added in a slide summarizing the users review, provided some solutions for the weaknesses and how to address them, added in redesign strategy, added a page of references and also rearranged the visual aids so that its easier and more pleasant for users to read and watch.


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Week 2: 
-Good to have the statistics 
-Pinterest is not recommended as they have their own professional teams
-Steam mobile is the optimum choice and no clashes with other people
-Add in screen shots of the apps also

Week 3: Absent
Week 4: 
-Include a slide summarizing the user review.
-Provide written solutions for all the weaknesses, detailing how you plan to address them.
-Add a redesign strategy slide after the primary and secondary goals slide. Summarize solutions, categorize, and provide a brief elaboration.
-The arrangement and explanations of the visual aids are too messy. 
-Include a reference list at the end of the proposal. 


I noticed that no matter how good an application is there is always some flaws in between them, and also I've noticed that mostly the bad applications are the ones that are useful like what my classmates shown in class the bus app, flight app and etc. All these are useful and important but why aren't they treated carefully and why aren't they improving? 

I've also noticed that arrangement and also pleasantness are very important no matter how good all the functions are if the layout and the interfaces are not arranged properly and it doesn't look pleasant, the users experience will drop drastically.


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