Illustration and Visual Narrative / Task 3

07/06/2023 - 28/06/2023 / Week 10 - Week 14
Michael Chan Henn Loong / 0363611
Illustration and Visual Narrative / BA of Designs (HONS) In Creative Media / Taylor's University
Task 3 - Digital Triptych


Week 9- Light and Shadow P1

Fig 1.0 Light and Shadow

Fig 1.1 Light and Shadow

Fig 1.2 Light and Shadow

Week 10- Light and Shadow P2

Fig 1.3 Light and Shadow 

Visual depth:
The ability to perceive the world in three dimension (3D) and to judge the distance of objects.

Atmosphere and Mood:
Usage of details and shadows.

Symbolism and Metaphor:
Narrative Structures.

Visual Hierarchy and Focus:
The way of compositions and also the focus on the object.

Contrast and Conflict:
Light, Shadow, Contrast, Composition, etc...

Fig 1.4 Guidelines for Project 3

Week 11- Patterns, Drawing modes and Width tool

Fig 1.5 Example 1

Fig 1.6 Example 2

We can create patterns by choosing the ones we like and choose object , pattern then make if we want to edit the existing one we can double click the pattern in the pattern swatch, select the object then click object, pattern then edit pattern.


Task 3 : Digital Triptych

In Task 3 we are required to choose a story from the website given by our lecturers and break down the story into three parts then create 3 panels of digital triptych base on it.


Fig 2.0 Summary of Story

So before starting with the triptych I've gone through my story for a few times and did some research on it as I didn't really understand the story very well for the first time and then I created a summary of the story so that I know what am I going to create for my digital triptych.

Fig 2.1 Summary and Sketches (PDF)

I gave Ms. Anis a look at my sketches and she gave me an insight on how to make my digital triptych better so after that consultation I started my work straight away.

Final Digital Triptych

Fig 2.2 Act 1 (JPEG)

Fig 2.3 Act 2 (JPEG)

Fig 2.4 Act 3 (JPEG)

Fig 2.5 All Acts (JPEG)

Fig 2.6 All Acts Outline (Screenshot)

Fig 2.7 All Acts (PDF)

Fig 2.8 Animating in After Effects (Screenshot)

Throughout the whole process I actually didn't really suffer a lot until I started using After Effects. Because I'm still new to it so I'm not sure what should I do and because because in each layer I put everything together so when I imported the file into After effect I don't really have much space to edit with so I went back to Adobe Illustrator and separated the layers and import the file into AE again only then I get to work with my animation.

Final Digital Triptych

Fig 3.0 Cover For Comic (JPEG)

Fig 3.1 Final Comic (JPEG)

Fig 3.2 Final Comic Outline (Screenshot)

Fig 3.3 Final Animated Comic (AE)

Fig 3.4 Final Animation Comic (GIF)

Fig 3.5 Final Cover Page (PDF)

Fig 3.6 Final Comic (PDF)


Week 10:
-For the knife tool must start and end outside of the object
-While using the tools be careful with the originated lines try not to touch it if not the originated one will cut off.
-Use pencil tool to create the shadows

Week 12:
-Use Chat Gpt or Google to summarize the story
-Try to finish up designing phase asap so can start with the animation
-Can draw tombstones inside the thoughts of the character so that the whole thing looks more connected.


At first it's fun because I'm quite interested in this project's topic so I enjoyed it a lot when I'm doing the AI part but then after finishing the triptych I needed to proceed with animation that's where I start to struggle as I just got in touch with animation not long ago and I'm a typical slow learner so I struggled quite a bit there but I still managed to finish up the project.

Throughout the whole process many different and creative ideas popped out halfway during the project but as I'm still not very familiar with AI so I didn't really get to create the effects or ideas I had in mind .

I found out that there are a lot of different effects in After Effect like the Blood effect which I found after finishing the project, it's complicating but it is definitely worth the shot to try and master it, I tried to apply it in my work but it's a little bit too complicated so I failed as I ran out of time.


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