
Showing posts from August, 2023

Advanced Typography Task 1 /Exercises

30.8.2023 - 20.9.2023 / Week 1 - Week 4 Michael Chan Henn Loong / 0363611 Advanced Typography / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media / Taylor's University Task 1 / Exercises LECTURES Week 1 - Lecture 1 Advanced Typography: Typographic Systems Typographic systems is a collection of individual styles used in all kinds of design to provide a sense of purpose that focuses and directs the decision-making. Fig 1.0 Axial System Axial System: Everything in Axial system are put on either side of the line, Axial designs can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical around their axis. Fig 1.2 Radial system Radial System: Pick a central focal point, and paste all the contents around it so that it looks like it radiates out from the point Fig 1.3 Dilatational System Dilatational System:  Dilational design normally sets along a circular path, rather then radiating out of a point like Radial system it curves around one. Fig 1.